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Announcement: Chip Rose Receives Academy of Professional Family Mediators Lifetime Achievement Awardat APFM’s 2018 Conference in San Diego!
Beginning in 1980 as a practicing attorney and Certified Specialist in Family Law, Chip became aware of the mediation model for dispute resolution and incorporated it into his professional practice. In the years that followed, he became committed to offering clients an alternative to the damage inflicted by the traditional approach of litigation and the use of the court system. Chip now brings his experience and skills to Bend, Oregon while still helping CA clients through video-conferencing, text, and email consultations.
In the early 90's, Chip phased out the litigation part of his practice and Chip's professional work is now limited to providing client-empowered dispute resolution services through the mediation and collaborative practice processes.
Chip developed his mediation skills over the last forty years by focusing on the needs of clients and developing process structures that facilitate their discovery of pathways that lead to agreement and resolution. He is a nationally recognized expert in the field. The goals of his process are:
With this approach, Chip has assisted over 3000 couples to reach their most mutually beneficial settlements in a process in which:
Chip is the author of Collaborative Family Law Practice and authored The Creative Solution column in the quarterly publication of the Academy of Professional Family Mediators. Chip authored the chapter on Mediating Financial Issues in the 2004 publication Divorce and Family Mediation. Chip is currently President and Founding Board Member of the Academy of Professional Mediators (APFM) and a former Board Member of the Academy of Family Mediators and the International Association of Collaborative Professionals (IACP). He is the first recipient of the Eureka Award from the state organization CP Cal for his pioneering contributions to the development of the Collaborative Practice movement and he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the New York Council on Divorce Mediation in 2013. He has been teaching legal, mental health and financial professionals dispute resolution theory and technique since 1993 across the United States, in Canada and Europe.
Here is Chip's complete interview filmed as part of's "Views from the Eye of the Storm" Series. This series interviewed approximately 100 leading mediators from around the world. Here is Chip's complete interview: